Hatice Demiran

A biomedical engineer who aims to ensure high performance and achieve her targets and tasks to benefit other people and organizations. A strong believer in the ability of team work to build a better future co-team leader and team member with 4+ years of experience and collaborative, strategic, determined and solution-oriented skills focusing on innovation, management, digitalization and future of healthcare.
Working Student, Global Education Advanced Therapies
Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Forchheim (Germany) 10.2018 – Present
ï‚· Being responsible for creating a dashboard for the products` usage tool,
ï‚· Performing yearly competitor analysis, vendor investigations and compatibility analysis,
ï‚· Being admin for SHS Intranet page and tools, giving relevant trainings to the department,
ï‚· Actively creating an interactive tool to ease customer feedback questionnaire,
ï‚· Supporting department head and product managers i.e. administration tasks, planning, IT tools, etc.
Project Assistant, Laboratory of Tumor Immunology Department of Dermatology
Uni-Klinikum Erlangen, Erlangen (Germany) 12.2018 – Present
Working with Prof. Vera Gonzalez to make a publication about creating a map for dendritic cells which are playing a role to treat and destroy cancer cells.
Working Student – Engineer
Siemens SaÄŸlık A.Åž, Istanbul (Turkey) - Innovation Think Tank 10.2016 – 09.2017 Co lead cross functional team to develop, implement, and monitor the innovative ideas for Siemen Healthcare and solve interdisciplinary problems. Innovation Think Tank is a platform for stimulating interdisciplinary innovations within Siemens Healthcare.
Siemens Healthcare GmbH- Innovation Think Tank Erlangen (Germany) 06.2016 – 09.2016
Completed and contributed 10 projects: Operation Room of Future, Hospital 4.0, Clinical workflow and stakeholder’s analysis, Turkey healthcare system analysis, E companion Mobile Clinic, MATLAB database project, Modular Tool for Hospital Design and Automated Hospital, Diagnostic base system.
Research & Project Assistant
Technische Universität München, Munich (Germany) 06.2015 – 09.2015
Project: Developing Algorithm for the Evaluation Measurement Data of CV FET Micro Sensors In this study the algorithms are developed for the evaluation of measurement data of CV FET micro sensors experiment in which the graphs were obtained. This study contains the measurements of dissolved substances such as glucose with different concentrations.
MS Friedrich Alexander Universität, Erlangen, Medical Engineering 2018 – Present
Image Processing and Data Analysis
BS Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Biomedical Engineering 2013 – 2017
Honor Student & Successfully One Year Early Graduation
Student Assistant- Responsibility of Medical Imaging & Electronic Labs 2016 – 2017
Prep School- Yeditepe Uni. Language Prep School (100% English) 2012 – 2013
Publications: "Comparison of Inter Regional and Inter Subject Variations of Cortical NODDI and DTI Parameters”, A.Hamamci, H.Demiran at Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2017
Operation Room of Future Hospital 4.0 (ITT, GR) were presented at the "Innovation Research Lab", 2016
2 case publications on Digitalization of Leadership and International Management, 2019
Scholarships: Microsoft Azure Scholarship 20.000 USD, 2016
Merit based scholarship for my projects by Yeditepe University, 2016 Reward: The youngest and the most innovative employee of the year reward in the annual Siemens Healthcare Meeting by CEO Sevket On, 2017
Conference Speech: I gave a speech about ITT aims and projects to 1000 people at Yeditepe University, 2017. In the same event Luis Kun, editor in chief of Springer Magazine gave a speech and referred to my presentation during his speech, 2017.